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SSAA 12 Step Literature

12 Step Handbook





SSAA's guide to working the 12 Steps:

  1. Includes readings about each step accompanied by questions to consider based upon SSAA's 12 steps, traditions, and promises.

  2. Is utilized in Step Study Meetings to familiarize survivors with the SSAA program principles.

  3. Assists survivors who wish to work the steps more in-depth with fellow sponsors or co-sponsors.

Lotus Flower

SSAA Mission Statement

 Our mission is to create emotionally safe environments around the world, where survivors can assemble to heal from the effects from having been a victim of sexual assault, abuse, and exploitation. Our group operates under the fundamental principles of trauma-informed peer support and those of our 12-step recovery program. We extend a warm welcome to everyone over the age of 18, regardless of skin color, age, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or gender identity. It is important to SSAA to create a space where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued in our community built by survivors.

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