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SSAA Resources, Materials, and Literature

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SSAA's meeting schedule and calendar.


The Principles of the SSAA Program (adapted from other 12 step fellowships)

SSAA Guidelines  
Image by Burst

We hold regular group consensus meetings to curate SSAA's guidelines.


Opening and closing script we read at the beginning of each meeting.



Core program literature used to aid in working the

12 Steps of SSAA. 

Support with group, therapy and mental health with hands and help, people together talking

We offer a variety of meeting formats to aid members in healing and recovery.

Library Shelves

Click here to access the book club meeting materials and literature.

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Start an SSAA Meeting
Virtual Meeting Image Six

A step-by-step guide to starting an SSAA meeting.

Survivor Resources & Outreach
Love Image Mix

SSAA offers various resources for survivors such as outreach, group chats, and after-meeting support.

Lotus Flower

SSAA Mission Statement

 Our mission is to create emotionally safe environments around the world, where survivors can assemble to heal from the effects from having been a victim of sexual assault, abuse, and exploitation. Our group operates under the fundamental principles of trauma-informed peer support and those of our 12-step recovery program. We extend a warm welcome to everyone over the age of 18, regardless of skin color, age, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or gender identity. It is important to SSAA to create a space where every individual feels seen, heard, and valued in our community built by survivors.

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